Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Beijs Roadtrips

We are a Dutch company and our Dutch terms and conditions will always prevail.

Article 1 Definitions
  1. In these terms and conditions, several terms are used for which we provide explanations below:
    1. Beijs Roadtrips: the user of these terms and conditions;
    2. us, our, and we: with 'us,' 'our,' and 'we,' Beijs Roadtrips is referred to in these terms;
    3. renter/tenant: the person who rents a camper from Beijs Roadtrips;
    4. agreement: the individual agreement between Beijs Roadtrips and the renter;
    5. Motorhome/camper: the motorhome/camper rented out by Beijs Roadtrips to the renter;
    6. driver: the natural person designated by the renter as the driver of the camper in writing, prior to the rental period;
    7. website: the website www.beijsroadtrips.com
Article 2 Applicability
  1. These terms and conditions apply to every agreement between Beijs Roadtrips and the renter.
  2. Any terms and conditions of the renter are explicitly rejected by us.
  3. If Beijs Roadtrips does not always insist on strict compliance with these terms and conditions, this does not mean that the terms are not valid or that Beijs Roadtrips loses the right to demand strict compliance in other cases.
  4. If one or more provisions of these terms and conditions are null and void or are declared invalid at any time, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and a new provision shall be established that closely approximates the original provision.
Article 3 Conclusion of Agreement
  1. Beijs Roadtrips offers its campers for rent on the website. This constitutes the offer.
  2. If the renter completes the reservation process on the website and clicks on 'book and (down) payment,' the agreement is concluded. The renter subsequently receives a booking confirmation email and must pay a deposit of 25% of the rental amount. By clicking 'book and (down) payment,' the renter incurs a payment obligation.
Article 4 Driver
  1. The renter must inform Beijs Roadtrips in advance of who will be driving the camper during the rental period. The driver must identify himself/herself with a driver's license and identity document. A copy thereof will be made on-site at Beijs Roadtrips.
  2. The driver must be at least 24 years old and have held a driver's license for a minimum of 3 years.
  3. If a driver is not reported to Beijs Roadtrips, he/she is not insured, and the renter is responsible for any resulting damage.
  4. The renter is liable for traffic violations. All costs resulting from this will be charged to the renter, including administration costs of €25 per violation. The renter expressly agrees to this.
Article 5 Payment of the Rental Price and Changes
  1. Upon booking, the renter must make a deposit of 25% of the agreed rental price. The remaining 75% must be paid no later than eight (8) weeks before the start date. For bookings made less than eight (8) weeks before departure, the renter is required to pay 100% of the rental amount immediately.
  2. If the renter returns from vacation earlier, no reduction or partial refund of the rental price will be granted.
  3. If the renter fails to take possession of the camper at the agreed time without canceling, the renter remains liable for the full rental price.
  4. Payments can only be made by bank transfer or by debit card. Due to security reasons, Beijs Roadtrips does not accept cash payments.
  5. Payment must be made to account number NL 05 RABO 0378 5334 44 in the name of Beijs Roadtrips V.O.F.
  6. If the renter fails to make timely payment, Beijs Roadtrips will send a single notice of default requesting payment. After the deadline of this reminder, the renter is in default and liable for extrajudicial collection costs and statutory interest. If the renter fails to comply with the default notice, Beijs Roadtrips may terminate the agreement and take further legal measures to collect its claim. The renter is then also obliged to reimburse all judicial and extrajudicial costs incurred.
Article 6 Cancellation by the Renter
  1. The Renter may only cancel by providing a written cancellation statement via email or post. The date on which the cancellation statement is received by Beijs Roadtrips shall be deemed the date of cancellation. Cancellation fees shall be calculated according to the following scale: - Up to 8 weeks before the start of the rental period: 25% of the rental amount; - 6 to 8 weeks before the start of the rental period: 50% of the rental amount; - 4 to 6 weeks before the start of the rental period: 75% of the rental amount; - Up to 4 weeks before the start of the rental period: 100% of the rental amount.
  2. Beijs Roadtrips advises taking out travel and cancellation insurance to cover forced cancellations. However, this is entirely the responsibility of the Renter.
Article 7 Cancellation by Beijs Roadtrips
  1. Beijs Roadtrips reserves the right to cancel a reservation made through the website without providing a reason and without any form of compensation being owed if, for example, two users simultaneously book the same camper. Both users may receive a booking confirmation. The deposit will then be refunded.
  2. Cancellation by Beijs Roadtrips is also possible if there is reason to believe that the Renter has possible wrongful intentions, such as theft, embezzlement, or causing damage to the camper. In such a case, the deposit will be refunded without any further form of compensation being owed to the Renter.
  3. In the event of force majeure, Beijs Roadtrips is also authorized to cancel the reservation. Force majeure includes, but is not limited to, predicted severe weather, loss of the reserved camper, late return, and the unavailability of a comparable camper.
  4. If Beijs Roadtrips cancels a reservation due to force majeure, any amount already paid by the Renter will be refunded without any further form of compensation being owed to the Renter.
  5. Beijs Roadtrips expressly disclaims all liability for damages due to cancellation.
Article 8 Deposit
  1. The regular deposit is €1,500 per rental period.
  2. For destinations as described in articles 10.3 and 10.4, an increased deposit of €500 is applicable on top of the regular deposit.
  3. If the Renter brings a dog, an increased deposit of €500 is applicable on top of the regular deposit.
  4. The renter must ensure that the deposit is paid by card at the Beijs Roadtrips location on the day of departure.
  5. The deposit will be refunded to the renter's account within 14 days after returning the camper, provided that the renter has fulfilled all obligations under the agreement, unless Beijs Roadtrips is entitled to withhold the deposit and/or requires an additional payment from the renter. In case of damage, the remaining amount, after deducting any extra costs owed by the renter, will be returned to the renter once the total damage is known. If the costs payable by the renter exceed the deposit, these must be paid directly to Beijs Roadtrips by the renter.
  6. Any additional costs owed by the renter may be deducted from the deposit. If the deposit is insufficient to cover the damages to which Beijs Roadtrips is entitled under the agreement, the renter must pay the remaining amount directly to Beijs Roadtrips. If necessary, a final statement may be prepared to specify the costs.
  7. Beijs Roadtrips does not pay interest on the deposited amount.
Article 9 Rental Period
  1. The rental period begins and ends according to the days and hours chosen at the time of reservation and as specified in the individual rental agreement.
  2. We have a fixed drop-off time, namely between 09:00 and 11:00 in the morning. The exact drop-off time will be agreed upon with the Renter and specified in the individual rental agreement. Deviation from the agreed drop-off time is only possible with the consent of Beijs Roadtrips.
  3. If the camper is not returned by the agreed time in the agreement, you as the Renter will owe us a fine. This is only not the case when the late return is due to a technical defect in the camper and this defect has been reported to us immediately. The assessment of whether this defect justifies a late return is solely at the discretion of Beijs Roadtrips.
  4. If the camper is returned late, it will not be available for the next renter, forcing us to charge a fine. In the event of exceeding the drop-off time, we will charge a fine of €250 per day.
  5. Extending an agreed rental period is only possible based on availability and is subject to written approval from Beijs Roadtrips.
Article 10 Destination
  1. Beijs Roadtrips' insurance provides coverage only in countries listed on the International Motor Insurance Card (also known as the green card). Because the insurance does not cover countries not listed on the green card, it is not allowed to travel with the camper to these countries.
  2. Countries listed on the green card but not considered safe must not be visited or traversed by the Renter. The travel advice from the Dutch Government is leading in this regard (https://www.netherlandsworldwide.nl/travel-advice):
    1. Countries classified as yellow according to travel advice: only with Beijs Roadtrips' permission;
    2. Countries classified as orange/red according to travel advice: not allowed. Violation of this prohibition means that the Renter is fully liable for all damage resulting from entering and/or traversing the area.
  3. In principle, it is not allowed to use the camper for skiing holidays or other winter destinations. The decision to make an exception to this rule lies entirely with Beijs Roadtrips and cannot be relied upon by others, such as potential renters. The Renter must always seek permission from Beijs Roadtrips. Damage caused by violating this prohibition is entirely the responsibility of the Renter.
  4. In principle, it is not allowed to use the camper to attend a festival. The decision to make an exception to this rule lies entirely with Beijs Roadtrips and cannot be relied upon by others, such as potential renters. The Renter must always seek permission from Beijs Roadtrips. Damage caused by violating this prohibition is entirely the responsibility of the Renter.
Article 11 Renter's Obligations
  1. The Renter is required to register the driver(s) before the start of the rental period with a driver's license and identification. Without this dual identity check, there is no insurance coverage.
  2. If the Renter does not drive themselves, they must inform the drivers registered with Beijs Roadtrips of these terms and conditions and ensure compliance.
  3. The camper always remains the property of Beijs Roadtrips. The Renter may not sublet, offer for sale, sell, transfer, encumber, or make available to others.
  4. The Renter declares that he or the driver are capable of safely operating the camper, both physically and mentally.
  5. 5. The renter is fully responsible for all goods and persons he transports in the camper during the rental period. It is strictly prohibited to take illegal goods, such as prohibited substances as referred to in list 1 and list 2 of the Opium Act and prohibited weapons as referred to in the Weapons and Ammunition Act, into the camper.
  6. The camper must be used in accordance with the applicable laws, rules, and regulations at the place of use.
  7. The Renter is required to ensure that any damage is limited as much as possible. An example of this is not driving with flat tires and inflating them in time, as well as repairing a chip in the windshield.
  8. Before departure, Beijs Roadtrips will provide information on the operation of the camper. It is the Renter's responsibility to carefully follow this information. This written information must be signed by the Renter before departure. Damage caused by not following the information/instructions is entirely the responsibility of the Renter.
  9. If the Renter fails to fulfill their obligations under the individual agreement, these general terms and conditions, or the applicable legislation, the Renter is liable for all damages and costs incurred by Beijs Roadtrips as a result.
Article 12 Repairs and maintenance
  1. Despite careful maintenance, a technical defect in the camper may occur during the trip. In such cases of repair, the Renter is required to contact Beijs Roadtrips and follow their advice. Repairs may only be carried out by authorized dealers of the respective brand and model.
  2. Repairs to both the exterior and interior of the camper must be carried out by skilled persons. Repairs that are not necessary but are still carried out by the Renter are at the Renter's expense.
  3. The Renter must provide the detailed repair invoices (in the name of Beijs Roadtrips) and return the replaced parts for reimbursement of the repair costs.
  4. BA European accident report form will be provided with the travel documents, on which any damage and the details of the parties involved must be reported. This form must be returned to Beijs Roadtrips upon return.
  5. During the rental period, the Renter cannot claim compensation for unused parts, compensation for vacation days, or alternative accommodation. It is highly recommended for the Renter to take out travel insurance, as advised by Beijs Roadtrips.
Article 13 Liability of Beijs Roadtrips
  1. Beijs Roadtrips is not liable for any damage due to temporary unavailability of the reservation option, or if the website is temporarily offline for maintenance or other reasons.
  2. If Beijs Roadtrips cannot provide the camper to the renter because the previous renter did not return the camper on time, Beijs Roadtrips has the right to provide a comparable camper to the renter for acceptance. If a comparable camper cannot be provided, you as the renter will only receive the rental amount for the lost days from us. You are not entitled to compensation or any other form of reimbursement in any case.
  3. Beijs Roadtrips is not liable for damage beyond its control, such as events beyond its control, or due to actions or negligence of the tenant or driver.
  4. Beijs Roadtrips is not responsible for damage resulting from incorrect or incomplete information provided by the renter.
  5. Beijs Camper Rental is not liable for personal, immaterial, material, consequential, or bodily harm, unless the damage arises from a defect in the camper that Beijs Roadtrips was aware of without informing the tenant. Beijs Roadtrips is not liable for compensation for less enjoyable travel experiences.
  6. Beijs Roadtrips is not responsible for indirect damage, such as loss of profit, missed savings and business interruption.
  7. If Beijs Roadtrips is liable, the liability is limited to the amount covered by the insurer. If the insurer does not pay, the liability is limited to the rental amount.
  8. The limitations of liability do not apply if the damage is caused by intent or recklessness of Beijs Roadtrips.
Article 14 Renter Liability
  1. The insurance does not cover damage caused by intent, deliberate recklessness, fraud, crimes, when using alcohol and/or drugs, refusing a breathalyzer, urine or blood test. In these cases, the tenant is fully liable for all damage. Beijs Roadtrips will recover the full damage from the tenant in such a case.
  2. The renter is obliged to limit damage and is liable for damage caused by, for example - but not limited to - driving on flat tires, not repairing a chip in the windshield, and similar cases.
  3. The renter is solely liable for items left at Beijs Roadtrips as this is entirely voluntary without payment. As a tenant, you expressly agree that the entire responsibility lies with yourself if you choose to leave items with us. We do not acknowledge any liability in that case.
  4. The renter is liable for the deductible of €1000,- per event. This is offset by Beijs Roadtrips with the deposit, but in the case of multiple events, Beijs Roadtrips reserves the right to fully recover the exceeding costs from the renter, for example by having to pay the deductible multiple times or damage not covered by the insurer.
  5. The renter is liable for damage to the interior. Beijs Roadtrips will deduct this damage from the deposit.
  6. The renter is liable for unpaid tolls and fines. Beijs Roadtrips reserves the right to recover fines and unpaid tolls from the renter at any time. An administration fee of €25 per fine will be charged to the renter.
Article 15 Insurance
  1. All campers are insured for third-party liability and all risks, including occupants. There is a deductible of €1000,- per event, which is deducted from the deposit paid by the renter.
  2. In case of breakdown, replacement transportation and accommodation are insured together up to a maximum benefit of €2500,-.
  3. Damages below €1000,- cannot be claimed under the insurance of Beijs Roadtrips. Beijs Roadtrips will deduct the damage amount from the paid deposit.
  4. If damage is caused by a third party, it is the responsibility of the renter to hold that third party liable. The renter is also obliged to compensate Beijs Roadtrips for the damage in that case.
  5. DThe insurance premium is included in the rental price.
  6. The insurance card and a European Accident Statement are available in the campers.
  7. The insurance does not cover damage caused by intent, deliberate recklessness, fraud, crimes, when using alcohol and/or drugs, refusing a breathalyzer, urine or blood test. In these cases, the renter is fully liable for all damage.
  8. The insurer does not provide compensation or assistance in case of camper breakdown due to a defect that could have been easily repaired or prevented, such as an empty fuel tank. The renter is responsible for simple repairs and, for example, keeping the fuel level adequate.
  9. Damage to the interior is not covered by the insurance and can typically be claimed by the renter under the renter's travel insurance (under the heading 'damage to holiday accommodation' not being 'driving damage of a rented camper'), so repair or replacement costs are entirely borne by the renter.
  10. A copy of the policy terms can be requested at any time from Beijs Roadtrips.
Article 16 Damage
  1. The renter is obliged to report all damages and defects known to him immediately to Beijs Roadtrips.
  2. Damage to the interior cannot be claimed under the insurance and is entirely at the expense and risk of the renter.
  3. Damage below €1000,- is deducted from the deposit.
  4. The renter is entirely liable for the deductible of €1000 per event. In case of multiple damage-causing events, the renter is also liable to pay the part exceeding the security deposit to Beijs Roadtrips.
Article 17 Pets
  1. Beijs Roadtrips has one camper available where a dog is allowed. Only after consultation with Beijs Roadtrips and based on availability.
  2. Other pets than a dog are not allowed.
  3. An additional deposit of €500 applies for bringing a dog, on top of the regular deposit from article 8.1 of these terms and conditions.
  4. The camper must be fully cleaned by the renter upon return, with special attention to removing hairs and odors left by the dog.
  5. The dog is not allowed on chairs, sofas, beds, cushions or duvets inside the camper.
  6. The renter must provide a suitable basket or crate for the dog.
  7. It is not allowed to leave the dog alone in the camper.
  8. Beijs Roadtrips reserves the right to withhold damages caused by the dog entirely from the deposit. Extra cleaning costs for removing hairs and odors may also be deducted from the security deposit. This is the renter's own responsibility.
Article 18 Inspection upon returning the camper
  1. The camper must be returned by the renter in the same condition as upon delivery.
  2. As a renter, you are responsible for properly returning the camper. Beijs Roadtrips takes care of the final cleaning, but as a renter, you also have several obligations which we specify below. If these obligations are not met, we are entitled to withhold an amount from the security deposit. This amount is specified after each obligation.
    1. The camper must be returned broom clean (€50);
    2. Smoking is not allowed in the camper (€500);
    3. The waste water tank must be emptied (€50);
    4. The toilet cassette must be returned empty and clean (€100);
    5. The fuel tank must be filled (fuel costs + €50);
    6. The AdBlue tank must be filled (tank costs + €50).
  3. The camper is handed over to the renter at the start of the rental period with consideration of points a to f. The renter is expected to report if the camper does not meet any of the points mentioned before departure. This is the renter's responsibility. If the renter does not do this, it will not be taken into account during the inspection upon returning the camper.
Article 19 Processing of personal data
  1. Beijs Roadtrips handles personal data in accordance with privacy legislation.
  2. Beijs Roadtrips may share personal data with third parties:
    1. If the renter and/or driver has expressly given permission for this;
    2. In accordance with a legal obligation or court order;
    3. To protect the rights or property of Beijs Roadtrips;
    4. To prevent crimes or ensure national security;
    5. In case of suspicion of fraud or other illegal activities;
    6. If necessary for the execution of the agreement with Beijs Roadtrips.
    7. The camper is equipped with a Track & Trace system. How we handle GPS information can be found in our privacy statement.
  3. Beijs Roadtrips reserves the right to record personal data of the renter and/or driver in its own system in case of default, embezzlement, or intentional damage. If deemed necessary, reasonably justified, or required by law, Beijs Roadtrips may also share this data with third parties. For more information, we refer you to our privacy statement.
Article 20 Applicable law and disputes
  1. 1. Only Dutch law applies to every agreement between Beijs Roadtrips and the renter.
  2. All disputes arising from the agreement will be submitted to the Zeeland - West-Brabant District Court, location Breda, unless the law prescribes a different competent court.

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