Terms and Conditions for Discount Coupons at Beijs Roadtrips

These terms and conditions apply to the use of coupon codes offered to you by Beijs Roadtrips. By using the coupon codes, you agree to these terms. These conditions have been translated from Dutch. If there are any ambiguities, the Dutch conditions will always apply.
  1. - These terms apply to digital and printed discount codes offered by Beijs Roadtrips.
  2. The nature, duration, and expiration date of an offer, as well as any other specific terms of use, can be found in the communication where the coupon code is included. Each coupon code is valid for a certain period, and after this period, the coupon code cannot be used.
  3. - Beijs Roadtrips reserves the right to modify or cancel discount coupons at any time.
  4. . Coupon codes issued by Beijs Roadtrips can only be used for the rental of one of our campers in our rental shop at www.beijsroadtrips.com.
  5. - Discounts are not applied retrospectively once the booking has been placed.
  6. You cannot exchange coupon codes for cash. You cannot receive a discount on products other than those for which the respective coupon code promotion applies and which are further described in the communications where the coupon code is included..
  7. Discounts are valid while stocks last.
  8. It is not allowed to modify or counterfeit coupon codes, including hacking, spreading viruses, spamming, or forwarding.
  9. You can use a maximum of 1 discount code per booking.
Redeeming your coupon code is very simple:
  1. The terms and options for use vary per coupon code.
  2. Place one of our motorhomes in your booking by clicking "add to booking" next to the motorhome.
  3. On the booking page, you can add the discount coupon code at step 4.
  4. On the booking page, you can add the discount coupon code at step 4.
  5. The full discount amount will be deducted at the first (down) payment via the website www.beijsroadtrips.com.
If you have any questions or comments about using the discount coupons or encounter problems while adding them, please contact us via our customer service.
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